Boost Your Business with Support!

Businesses, regardless of their size, usually require support in the running of their operations. As Business Consultants, we understand the diverse needs of businesses and offer a range of services to cater to those needs. Whether you need just one hour of support or ongoing weekly assistance, we provide a tailor-made service designed specifically for you.

Our team is dedicated to helping businesses thrive by offering comprehensive support. From administrative tasks to financial management, we have the expertise to assist you in various aspects of your business. Our services are flexible and can be customized to suit your unique requirements.

With our business support services, you can focus on the core activities of your business while leaving the operational tasks to us. We aim to streamline your operations, increase efficiency, and ultimately contribute to your overall success.

Contact us today to discuss your business support needs and let us assist you in achieving your goals. Whether you are a small startup or an established business, we are here to provide the support you need to thrive in the competitive business landscape.

We can support your business regardless of whether you use Dawlish Work Hub.


Business Consultant

Business Support and Advice

Flexibility for your needs is essential when it comes to finding a Business Consultant. Whether you are looking to have a one-off session or ongoing support, we understand that everyone's needs are different.

Having someone who understands the importance of putting your business at the centre of the decision making process is so essential to protect your business and put processes in place to ensure your business survives in a competitive climate. Running an efficient and productive business makes the difference between success or struggling. 

£125 + VAT = £150 / hour. Decide how many hours you want. You can have a maximum of 8 hours / day.

Business Review

Find out how to improve your business

Every business needs someone to objectively review their business. We understand the importance of receiving feedback and insights to improve your operations. Our online system makes it easy for you to review your entire business. With our user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly analyse different aspects of your business and identify areas that require attention. Once the review is complete, a comprehensive plan of action is designed for you, so you can address any identified issues and optimise your business performance. 

£200 + VAT = £240 

Ongoing Support - 1:1 throughout the month

Entrepreneurship: A Thrilling Business Journey!

An Olympic athlete has a coach who provides guidance and support throughout their journey towards success. Similarly, as a Business Consultant, we understand that business owners also need ongoing support to navigate the ups and downs of their entrepreneurial journey.

Running a business is like riding a rollercoaster, filled with exhilarating highs and daunting lows. It requires making countless decisions that can significantly impact the success and growth of your business. Just like an athlete relies on their coach for expert advice, a business owner can benefit from the guidance and expertise of a Business Consultant.

As your trusted advisor, we are here to assist you in making informed decisions, developing effective strategies, and overcoming challenges. Whether you are just starting out or looking to expand your business, we provide valuable insights and help you stay on track towards achieving your goals.

With extensive knowledge and experience in various industries, we offer a fresh perspective and identify opportunities that you may have overlooked. We work closely with you to understand your unique business needs and tailor solutions that align with your vision and objectives.

Remember, even the most successful athletes rely on ongoing coaching to continuously improve and reach new heights. Similarly, as a Business Consultant, we are committed to being your partner in success, providing the ongoing support you need to thrive in the ever-changing business landscape.

A Business Consultant works with you on a specific project or area in your business throughout the month with regular meetings.

£2,000 + VAT = £2,400 / month

Ongoing Support - with one 1hr meeting each week

Entrepreneurship: A Thrilling Business Journey!

An Olympic athlete has a coach who provides guidance and support throughout their journey towards success. Similarly, as a Business Consultant, we understand that business owners also need ongoing support to navigate the ups and downs of their entrepreneurial journey.

Running a business is like riding a rollercoaster, filled with exhilarating highs and daunting lows. It requires making countless decisions that can significantly impact the success and growth of your business. Just like an athlete relies on their coach for expert advice, a business owner can benefit from the guidance and expertise of a Business Consultant.

As your trusted advisor, we are here to assist you in making informed decisions, developing effective strategies, and overcoming challenges. Whether you are just starting out or looking to expand your business, we provide valuable insights and help you stay on track towards achieving your goals.

With extensive knowledge and experience in various industries, we offer a fresh perspective and identify opportunities that you may have overlooked. We work closely with you to understand your unique business needs and tailor solutions that align with your vision and objectives.

Remember, even the most successful athletes rely on ongoing coaching to continuously improve and reach new heights. Similarly, as a Business Consultant, we are committed to being your partner in success, providing the ongoing support you need to thrive in the ever-changing business landscape.

Working with a Business Consultant to work through different areas of your business. Receive guidance on what to do over the week before the next meeting. Usually meetings are online or by phone.

£600 + VAT = £650 / month

Start a Company

Sole Trader to Limited Company - Set it up properly from the beginning!

Setting up your company needs to be done correctly from the beginning to ensure that your future is protected. One important aspect is choosing the right Articles of Association for your needs. It is crucial to ensure that the legal side is correct, as any mistakes made in this process can be very costly later on. Therefore, it is essential to find out if setting up a limited company is the right option for your specific circumstances.

We can assist you in complying with legal rules as a Director of a Company, in the context of Business Support. Our services include submitting your confirmation statement, making changes to your existing Companies House details if required, and submitting your annual accounts. We ensure that everything is checked thoroughly to ensure its correctness. With our expertise, you can have peace of mind knowing that your legal obligations are met and your company remains in good standing.

Experience tells us this is a common area for mistakes as we have uncovered many mistakes when business owners set up their own limited company or forget to review the details. It is not uncommon for us to find that a divorced person still has their ex-spouse benefiting from share options which should have been changed! These can be very costly mistakes.

£50 + VAT = £60 

Business Vision

Unleash Your Vision's Potential: Brainstorm!

Brainstorming ideas is crucial for your business vision. It allows you to explore various possibilities and uncover potential opportunities. Sometimes, we may realise that your initial vision is not aligned with your true desires. Through brainstorming, we can reassess your goals and confirm whether your vision truly reflects what you want.

The process of brainstorming helps expand your ideas and think outside the box. It encourages us to challenge conventional thinking and explore innovative solutions. By exploring different perspectives and possibilities, we can support you to refine and define a clear and well-defined business vision that is tailored to your individual needs and aspirations.

£250 + VAT = £300

Business Strategy

Mastering Business Strategy: Unlocking Success

Clear solutions to drive your business forward involve a practical progress of achieving specific objectives that align with your business vision. To successfully reach your desired outcomes, it is essential to work through how to develop a comprehensive strategy tailored to your unique needs.

By focusing on tactics, you can adopt a step-by-step approach that provides practical guidance. These tactics enable you to implement the necessary actions and initiatives that will propel your business towards success. With a well-defined strategy and effective tactics, you can confidently navigate the challenges and opportunities that arise in the dynamic business landscape.

£2,000 + VAT = £2,400

Crystal Clear Legal Docs: Simplified!

When it comes to legal documentation, it is crucial to leave this task to an expert in order to protect yourself. Legal documents play a vital role in safeguarding your rights and interests, and any mistakes or omissions can have serious consequences.

An expert in legal documentation possesses the necessary knowledge and expertise to draft, review, and interpret various legal agreements, contracts, and policies. They understand the intricacies of the law and can ensure that all the necessary clauses and provisions are included to protect your business.

By entrusting legal documentation to an expert, you can have peace of mind knowing that your interests are adequately safeguarded. They can help you navigate complex legal terminology, identify potential risks, and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Attempting to handle legal documentation without proper expertise can expose your business to unnecessary risks and legal disputes. It is always wise to rely on professionals who understand the intricacies of legal requirements and can tailor documents to suit your specific needs.

In conclusion, to protect yourself and your business, it is highly recommended to leave legal documentation to an expert. Their knowledge and experience will help ensure that your legal documents are comprehensive, accurate, and aligned with the law, providing you with the necessary protection and peace of mind.


Secure Your Future with your Business or Employment contracts

Contacts are an essential aspect of Business Support, as they play a crucial role in protecting your business in a court of law. It is imperative to ensure that all the different scenarios are covered when it comes to contacts.

When engaging in business transactions, contracts serve as legally binding agreements between parties involved. These contracts outline the terms and conditions, responsibilities, and obligations of each party, ensuring clarity and preventing any misunderstandings.

Contacts must cover various scenarios, including but not limited to, purchase agreements, service contracts, employment contracts, non-disclosure agreements, and partnership agreements. Each scenario requires specific clauses and provisions to safeguard your business's interests and mitigate any potential risks.

Moreover, contracts should clearly define the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. This includes outlining the scope of work, payment terms, delivery schedules, and dispute resolution mechanisms. By doing so, you establish a solid foundation for your business relationships, minimising the chances of legal disputes arising.

Furthermore, it is crucial to regularly review and update your contracts to ensure they remain relevant and enforceable. As business dynamics change, so do the legal requirements and industry standards. By staying up-to-date with contract revisions, you can adapt to new circumstances and protect your business from potential legal pitfalls.

In conclusion, comprehensive and well-drafted contracts are vital in protecting your business in a court of law. By covering all the different scenarios and ensuring legal compliance, you can safeguard your interests and minimise the risks associated with business transactions. Consulting with  professionals and regularly reviewing your contracts will help ensure that your business remains legally protected.


Bulletproof Your Business with Policies!

Policies are vital in the realm of Business Support as they serve as a guiding force for the practices followed by both the staff and management of your business. It is imperative that these policies are clearly written, thoroughly reviewed, and properly documented. This includes ensuring that all staff members have received and acknowledged them by signing with a date and version number. The significance of policies becomes even more apparent during investigations, as they can potentially determine the outcome of such proceedings.

Employment policies are crucial i as they outline the expected behaviour of staff right from the start. These policies serve as guidelines to prevent conflicts and ensure a harmonious work environment. By clearly defining the rules and regulations, they provide a framework for discipline in cases where employees fail to adhere to the established guidelines. Moreover, these policies are designed to protect the welfare of staff members, which in turn safeguards the overall well-being of your business. By implementing and enforcing employment policies, businesses can establish a productive and respectful work culture, ensuring the smooth operation and success of your business.

We can provide your policies and ensure staff sign these documents, managing the process on your behalf.

Policies include:-

Business Management

Maintaining your Business Reputation

Data Protection





Staff procedures and expectations


Interview Support

Get the help you need

With decades of experience interviewing, we understand the importance of complying with legislation and finding the right candidate for your business. We offer interview support services to help you navigate the interview process effectively.

Interviewing can be a complex task, especially when it comes to ensuring that you are following legal requirements and avoiding any potential discrimination. Our team can provide you with the guidance and knowledge you need to conduct interviews that are fair, unbiased, and in compliance with the law.

In addition to legal considerations, having someone accompany you during the interview process can also be beneficial. They can offer a fresh perspective, ask additional questions, and provide valuable feedback on the candidates you are considering. This extra support can help you make more informed decisions and increase the likelihood of finding the right fit for your business.

Employing the wrong candidate can be a costly mistake for your business. It can lead to decreased productivity, conflict with other staff, and potential legal issues. By utilising our interview support services, you can minimise these risks and improve the overall success of your hiring process.

Don't let the interview process overwhelm you. Let us provide the help and support you need to ensure that your interviews are conducted professionally, legally, and with the best interests of your business in mind.

£250 + VAT = £300 

Employee Support

Staff Struggles? Solutions Await You!

Concerned about how to deal with different situations without finding yourself in an employment tribunal or court? We are here to support you in navigating the legal processes and ensuring that you follow the correct procedures to protect your business from costly mistakes.

Managing your staff is crucial for maintaining a harmonious work environment. Dealing with staff issues can often lead to feelings of anxiety, indecision, and avoidance. Unfortunately, such reactions can escalate conflicts and worsen the overall situation.

By seeking the guidance of an expert who can be objective without the emotions, you can effectively navigate through these challenges. Working together, you can develop a well-thought-out plan on how to address each individual situation. This approach ensures that you handle staff issues in a fair and professional manner, promoting a positive work atmosphere for everyone involved.

You may have a staff member who is very disruptive to the rest of the team. Their behaviour and attitude can unsettle the entire team, leading to a decline in productivity and ultimately impacting your entire business.

If you choose to ignore such circumstances, you risk having an unsettled workforce. Some staff may opt to leave, as they do not wish to continue working in an environment affected by these issues. By taking immediate action, you have the opportunity to retain those staff members who are not disruptive and handle the disruptive individuals appropriately. 

£250 + VAT = £300 

Financial Support

Get support to get your finances in order with our financial support services. We understand that every business has unique financial needs, and that's why we offer tailored help to assist you in knowing your financial position better.

We are dedicated to strengthening your financial position by providing expert advice and guidance. We will work closely with you to analyse your current financial situation and identify areas for improvement.

With our assistance, you can make true cost savings that are specifically designed for your business. We understand that every penny counts, and we will help you find ways to reduce unnecessary expenses and maximize your profits.

Don't let financial uncertainty hold your business back. Take advantage of our financial support services and gain the confidence to make informed decisions that will benefit your business in the long run.

 Cash Flow

Business Survival: Cash is King!

As a business owner, it is imperative that you understand your cash flow situation. Knowing how cash flows in and out of your business is crucial for your financial health and sustainability. By understanding your cash flow, you can identify areas where improvements can be made, pinpoint where essential changes are needed, and have an objective view of your overall financial situation.

Understanding your cash flow allows you to know when to take action. By monitoring the inflows and outflows of cash, you can identify any potential cash shortages or surpluses. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to address any financial challenges or opportunities that arise.

Furthermore, understanding your cash flow helps you determine what actions to take. Whether it's cutting expenses, increasing sales, adjusting pricing, or seeking additional financing, having a clear understanding of your cash flow enables you to make strategic decisions that will positively impact your business's financial stability and growth.

£500 + VAT = £600 

Cost savings 

Slash Unnecessary Expenses: Identify Wasteful Spending!

Keep up to date in the context of business expenditure is crucial as the world of business changes constantly. Failing to stay updated can result in missing out on identifying unnecessary expenses, being unable to negotiate better deals, or even paying too much for services that are no longer required.

An expert in cost saving understands the true value for money and the long-term implications for businesses. Often, business owners make the mistake of cutting costs that end up costing them more in reality. However, an expert can identify where savings can be made without compromising quality or efficiency. They have a deep understanding of what will truly save money in the long run and what may end up being more costly. With their expertise, they can guide business owners towards making informed decisions that will result in genuine cost savings and maximise the overall lifetime value for money.

4 hours £500 + VAT = £600

Each additional hour

£125 + VAT = £150

Pay for an additional hour

Review Financial Reports

Master Your Business Finances 

Improve your management reports so you can understand what is happening in your business. As an expert, we can help you simplify the process, so you have clear reports that allow you to make informed decisions about your business. 

Many business owners rely on accountants to handle their financial reports. However, it is important to remember that accountants do not make all the business decisions for you. Therefore, it is crucial for you, as a business owner, to have a solid understanding of your own financial reports.

£500 + VAT = £600

Boost Your Business Finances

Empower Your Finances with Access to Finances Right for Your Business

Many small business owners can't access the financial support they need. We understand the challenges you face and are here to help you strengthen your balance sheet, improve your credit rating, and access loans that are right for your business. Our goal is to assist you in improving your finances so that you can thrive in the competitive small business landscape. With our expertise and tailored solutions, we provide the necessary support to ensure your business's financial stability and growth.

£500 + VAT = £600

Financial Support in All Areas

Secure Your Business's Financial Future!

Sometimes we need support in the whole areas of our business finances. We work with clients by covering each area and working through their business on a month by month basis until the work is completed. 

£2,000 + VAT = £2,400 / month

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